Lixia is a certified Traditional Hatha Yoga instructor. She has been teaching Yoga for more than 18 years. She has practiced Tai Chi and Qigong more than 6 years. She was trained in the traditional Chinese style Tai Chi and Qigong in China.
Also, she went to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Center in China to learn Chinese traditional massage, so she knows what causes our body to have problems and how to avoid injury. She has a lot of experience and teaching skill to help students avoid injury. She enjoys teaching and helping her students live young and healthy.
Her yoga teaching style teaches how to breathe properly, guiding her students to do different breathing techniques to help them strengthen their lungs and immune systems. In every class, she explains each posture’s benefits and details them very well. This method really helps students avoid injury and pain.
The Tai Chi class uses Qigong’s special breathing techniques and gentle postures to help students improve their physical condition and chronic problems. She uses Tai Chi basic postures to help students improve their balance and strengthen their muscles

The six things that happen when you meet me

Improve body function
Increase strength and bone density, gain flexibility and balance, improve lung and cardiopulmonary function.

Enhance the nervous system
Relieve stress, tension, depression, and insomnia.

Medical benefits
Prevent and improve chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

Improve brain function
Effectively develop creativity, enhance memory, improve thought process, and focus.

Rejuvenate body and face
Dramatically reduce fat, improve body shape, detoxify, and beautify facial skin.

Positive energy
Make you have a positive attitude towards life.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.